
How Can We Help?

It is our desire to tailor a plan that best fits your student and your family’s unique situation. To do that we offer a wide array of services and packages described below.


With all of our packages we take the heavy lifting off of your shoulders and make certain you don’t overpay for college or miss important opportunities and deadlines.

Our years of experience will help guide your student and our technology will insure the best possible experience for your family.

Our proprietary software uses interactive dynamic data analytics.

We start by gathering information about your student’s unique personal interest and educational profile. We then combine that information with your family’s demographic and financial profile. That data is then matched with over 2,900 colleges to provide a list of ‘best fit colleges’ to apply.

Because the application process can be tricky, every package includes deadline management and dynamic cost analysis. So, if something changes we can update your information.


The bottom line is we will make certain you have Peace of Mind that you have done everything you can to help your student. You will also know that you are receiving the best price and most discounts available at each college that your student applies to.


We have a wide range of services and can find one that fits your needs and your budget. Our services include:


-creating your best fit school list
-complete admissions guidance

-application review
-essay brainstorm and review
-mock admissions interviews
-resume preparation assistance
-counseling with choosing the best major two career course
-individual interest assessment and analysis



-internship searches
-career advising and counseling
-Meyers-Briggs type personality and career indicator
-career resume and interview preparation
-mock job interviews



Expected Family Contribution (EFC) soon to be called the Student Aid Index (SAI) calculated with strategy analysis to possibly lower the SAI

School by school affordability assessment and analysis (you will        know what you can expect to pay before your student applies)   

FAFSA and CSS profile forms will be completed

In depth scholarship search and location

College loan manual and guidelines will be provided, in addition to    loan counseling and assessment live consultation will be offered

Financial aid maximization through review/analysis/and appeal          process
We will develop an efficient, comprehensive plan to pay for college    using the right combination of savings, cash flows and loans with 

  tax and retirement considerations based upon your unique situation.